Gather together, slow down, follow our intuition and explore the ritual of mending something worn - one stitch at a time.
An old idea is new again as we commune, work with our hands, learn creative ways to bring old favorites to life and send less to the landfill. (fast fashion is the #2 polluter worldwide)
Join us the last Sunday of each month from 1:30-3:30pm. Bring an item in need of repair, clean used fabric for patches and any sewing tools you may have. (no tools-no worries we will have back-up)
“The Sanskrit word sutra, which is a succinct aphorism, literally means “thread,” and gives us the English word “suture.” A sutra text, like the Yoga Sutras, consists of a number of these aphorism-threads “strung together” to summarize a spiritual teaching.” Richard Rosen